While most cases take about 4 to 6 months to complete, the length of the overall process depends on several factors. A Minneapolis bankruptcy attorney can help you make sure that the process goes smoothly and that you avoid mistakes that could delay your case.

What Factors Could Delay Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

You’re Missing Documentation

Any missing or insufficient financial documentation presented to your trustee can cause a delay.

Trustee Is Still Selling Your Property

The trustee may still be in the process of selling your personal property. Often, real estate sales may take longer, causing a delay until the property is sold.

Creditor Objects to Discharge

If one of your creditors challenges your financial ability to satisfy your debt, you may suddenly find yourself facing a creditor lawsuit.

Creditor Wants Questions Answered

The trustee usually gives you about ten minutes, during which creditors can questions you. If a creditor can’t get answers from you during that time, the trustee may have to reschedule the creditors meeting.

Credibility Issues

If you have not been truthful in your financial documents, this may become an issue. Undoubtedly, it raises red flags regarding your financial situation. And if the court has to verify each of your disclosures, you will not be able to receive a discharge for a while.

You Have Student Loans

Student loans are typically hard to dismiss through bankruptcy. You must be able to prove to the court that repaying your student loan debt would impose an “undue burden” on you. This can be a tricky and time-consuming.

You Didn’t Take a Financial Management Course

Before your debt is discharged, you will receive notice from your 341 Meeting of Creditors instructing you to complete a personal financial management course. You must then show the court that you completed it.

How to Make Sure You Avoid Unnecessary Delays

Always be proactive with meticulous accounting of all of your debts, income, expenses, assets and have all of your ducks in a row with corroborating financial documentation.

Produce all pertinent required financial documents timely. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can ensure that you don’t miss important deadlines that could prevent you from getting a fresh start as soon as possible.

Speak to a Cleveland Bankruptcy Attorney Today

At Benson Law Firm, we can assess your case and help you identify any issues that could potentially delay the process. Speak to a bankruptcy attorney at our office to learn more about the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process.